Airy February: Tarotscopes for the Full Moon in Leo, Mercury Rx in Aquarius

Welcome back fellow stargazers! Wow, what a few weeks it’s been. If your inner roar is feeling a bit more like a timid meow on this Leo full moon, you’re not alone. One of the gifts of a Leo full moon, though, is getting back in touch with that inner roar. While issues surrounding whether we feel we are getting the attention we need and stepping into the spotlight from time to time can arise, I find these moons are particularly helpful in a more subtle way. Leo full moon can help us get in touch with why we deserve attention, and deserve a chance to shine. It’s not so much about demanding that attention, or throwing ourselves into the limelight. It’s more about realizing our true value, taking note of the courage we have had all along, and connecting with that energy. What ways do we want to express ourselves, just for the joy of it? What’s holding us back from stepping into the center of attention more often, and more importantly, what holds us back from being truly vulnerable? It takes lion-like courage to be vulnerable and share our true selves. This is a good moon for examining this part of ourselves, and seeing if we can let go of what’s holding back our voices and hearts from being louder and open?

We entered the pre-shadow period of Mercury retrograde around January 14, and just two days after the full moon it will go retrograde in Aquarius. When mercury goes retrograde in Air signs (Mercury goes through the elements in cycles, so this year our Mercury retrogrades will be in Air signs) we begin to examine the relationships in our life. This is not as emotional of a review as water sign retrogrades, but rather we begin to look at patterns in our relationships:

“The overall tone is one of assessment of one’s input and returns in all matters pertaining to relationships. It may be that over the last three months relationships have not been very clear. By airing old problems and thinking through involvements with friends, family and other associations, unconscious stress is relieved.”—Erin Sullivan (Retrograde Planets: Traversing the Inner Landscape)

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, combined with the 2 Aquarius new moons (next one will be the first new moon of February on the 11th), Saturn, Jupiter, and the Sun all in Aquarius—I urge you to take a look at your chart and see what house you have Aquarius in. This house will be highlighted right now, and much of what you are reviewing will be centered around that area of life. If you read your horoscopes below, be sure to read for your rising sign as well as your sun sign (this will line up more specifically with your houses, though you will still feel the energy of your sun sign horoscope).

This can be a bit of a wobbly time of year—we’re all ready for the season to change, and while the year flipped over to 2021 on January 1st, the astrological new year isn’t until March 20th, when Aries season begins. Until then we are still in this review energy of Mercury retrograde and the pre- and post-shadow periods. Take this time to go inward, to slow down and process the past 11 months. It’s okay if you still aren’t feeling the sparkly energy of a new year, but rest assured that feeling is coming. There’s no need for everything to come to a halt with Mercury retrograde, but there is a call to slow things down, pay attention to the details that often get overlooked, and not shy away from going within and taking time to process all that we’ve been through the past year. 

I pulled some cards for the collective, and for our full moon message I got the “Relaxation” card. This card comes with the message that it is okay to rest now, and there is no need for hustle and bustle at the moment. Take this full moon to rest, recuperate, and set down your troubles. When we give ourselves adequate time for relaxation, we can gain a fresh perspective on our work, our problems, and our emotions. Try loosening the reins of control this week, let your intuition take over. For what we are reviewing with this Mercury retrograde cycle I pulled the Fool reversed. We are processing an entire year of having new beginnings stalled, new ventures delayed, and for most of us the ability to take our leaps of faith have been a bit stunted with the global pandemic. Many of us are still feeling and going through that energy, and as we go through this month of review, it’s important that we look towards ways to turn that Fool right side up. Perhaps we can’t take the same leaps we would have before the pandemic, but we can still take leaps of faith in new ways. We can still create new beginnings for ourselves, they just might look a lot different from what we initially imagined for ourselves. For what we are learning with this retrograde period, I pulled the Ace of Pentacles—we are learning how to start fresh. Many of us are learning new ways to make money and earn income, many of us are creating our own opportunities, and many of us will be learning how to begin again. Either way we are all getting a fresh start through all of this. We have learned so much in the past astrological year, and as it comes to a close we find ways to open new doors. In some ways we are learning to start over in a beautiful way.

For your tarotscopes below I asked for a full moon message from the oracle, and from the regular tarot I asked what are we reviewing, and what are we learning through this mercury retrograde? I also pulled one bonus oracle card for each sign! Please do be sure to read for your rising sign as well as your sun sign (and your moon sign for messages about your emotional and inner world)! You can find your rising and moon signs through a free chart on astro.comDecks used: The This Might Hurt Tarot Deck by Isabella Rotman, and Sacred Destiny Oracle by Denise Linn.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising (Jan 20-Feb 18): This full moon in Leo travels through your 7th house of partnerships, marriage, and how you relate with others. This is a moon where you can find yourself reviewing your contracts with others, and more light is shed on others’ emotions and intentions relating to you. Generally how you are feeling in all of your relationships can come up at this time, so it can be a particularly emotional moon—especially when it is in the sign opposite to Aquarius. This moon helps us find balance between detachment and our innate need for attention. Mercury retrograde begins on January 30th in your sign, bringing all matters of the 1st house into review for you. This can be intense as the 1st house is all about YOU, your outer personality, your self-esteem. As you think about all of these aspects of yourself and your personality, you could find yourself taking note of what you want to change, and the review energy of Mercury retrograde can help you see how you want to be seen and see yourself. Your full moon card is “Thriving,” which reminds you what a survivor you are. Now is the time to remain adaptable and know that you can overcome any obstacles or challenges. “You are strong. Others may find shelter in your energy, and right now, that’s okay…This card may be urging you to step into the primal, primordial, powerful, wild part of yourself. Doing this will increase your vitality and contribute to your overall well-being.”—Denise Linn. For what you are reviewing this Mercury retrograde I pulled the 5 of cups. It’s possible that this period will have you reviewing loss and grief that you experienced over the past year. It’s important to process that loss and grief, and equally important not to let yourself get swallowed up by it. Make sure to carve out time in February for connecting with people who lift you up, and do things that bring you joy and remind you why you are here. For what you are learning through this retrograde I pulled the 8 of Swords. You are learning how to free yourself from mental traps, how to break out of thought patterns that leave you feeling stuck. The imprisoned feeling of the 8 of Swords is an intellectual prison, and one that you can now free yourself from with all that you’ve learned. BONUS CARD: “Gateway” is a card with the message that magic is in the air and surrounding you now. “This is an excellent time to take action on your visions for your future. A small amount of action now will generate much bigger results. Gateways to Spirit are opening and there are places where the veil is especially thin. Fairies and elves are supporting you. Wonders are blossoming in your life. Watch for them…”—Denise Linn. However difficult the past few months have been, this card comes to let you know that the magic is here, accessible to you. You’re going to tap into that in the coming weeks!

Pisces & Pisces Rising (Feb 19-Mar 20): This full moon in Leo lights up your 6th house of daily routines, sickness & health, and daily work. This is a brilliant time to think about your day-to-day life, and think about what you might want to change. What daily habits or activities can be let go of to make room for more fulfilling things? Is your work routine stale or not producing the results you want? If you’re dealing with any health issues, are there new ways to approach it? If you’ve been putting off any doctor visits or check ups, it’s likely these will come to light now, so best to stay on top of it! This Mercury retrograde travels through your 12th house of the subconscious, things beneath the surface and beyond the physical realm, and endings. A big cycle is coming to a close, especially with Saturn and Jupiter hanging out in this house as well. When mercury retrograde moves through this house you can begin to review the ways in which you possibly sabotage yourself—what have you learned about this part of yourself in the past year? What ways did you stand in your own way? With this review energy you can look back and gain some perspective on this, and learn how to avoid unhealthy patterns moving forward. Your full moon card is “Leadership,” indicating that this could be a time to step into your power and lead. “It’s time to step into the light and take your leadership role. You are a teacher, steward, guardian, and healer: a true leader. Own these gifts. Come into the light. Don’t hold back. Let the world see your light.” —Denise Linn. If you’ve been avoiding the spotlight, hiding out backstage, it’s time to step forward into the spotlight, at least for a time. Part of the magic of a full moon in Leo is remembering why you deserve attention, reconnecting with the part of you that knows you can and should shine brightly. For what you are reviewing this Mercury retrograde, I pulled the Lovers. It’s possible that you are reviewing a significant relationship, but this card is also about a choice—often a choice that we had to make with our hearts, and often one that requires a sacrifice of some kind. What ways did seemingly opposing energies come together in your life the past year? Did you fall in love with someone, a project, a new partnership of some kind? This can even be about accepting all parts of yourself, and falling in love with yourself. Ponder what this card could be speaking to—the Lovers is the card of non-duality, associated with Gemini. It’s an interesting energy for this retrograde review! Interestingly, for what you are learning this retrograde I pulled the 7 of Cups. You are definitely learning about choices—reviewing how you make them, and learning how to follow your intuition and choose more wisely. It’s possible you will be facing quite a lot of choices and opportunities in the year ahead, so what you learn now about your past choices, building self-awareness about how you make decisions will help you tremendously. BONUS CARD: “Blessings” is a lovely card to have pop up in your reading. The message here is that your life is about to receive opportunities and blessings. “Be open to the voice of the Divine. Messages are all around you. You are protected; you are safe. Have faith that your path is guided…Profound healing energy is flowing to you in wondrous ways. Refreshing, replenishing energy is filling your life.”—Denise Linn. Regardless of your faith or what you believe in, stay open to the magic surrounding you, let it find its way in.

Aries & Aries Rising (Mar 21-Apr 19): This full moon in Leo lights up your 5th house of creativity, self-expression, romance and affection. This is a great time to release any creative blocks, let go of anything holding you back from letting your art out into the world (and your art can be so many different things, mainly how you let out your creative side). Are there ways you have been holding back, especially when it comes to asking for the attention and affection you crave? This can also be a really fun moon, when the 5th house is lit up this way there is opportunity for romance, for fun flirtation, even just an amazing solo dance party in your living space. Try to have some fun in the coming days, and if any blocks come up, sit with them and see what you can learn from them in order to let them go. This Mercury retrograde travels through your 11th house of goals, friendships and groups, your visions for the future. This is a good time to review your long term goals and see if they are still in alignment with you now. How have you been feeling about your friendships and groups that you belong to? It’s been a weird past year for group dynamics, especially since we have not been able to gather physically in groups. So, it makes sense that you could be reviewing this area of your life, as well as reassessing your objectives in life. Your full moon card is “Truth,” which speaks to the Leo moon moving through your 12th house—you are uncovering some mysteries, some things that have been hidden below the surface for some time with this transit. “One of the most difficult things to know is what’s true for you and what isn’t. Sometimes it takes sincere silence to find your inner voice of truth, but once you find it, let go of anything in your life that isn’t authentic…Being genuine can allow your spirit to fly and the song of your soul to be heard in the Universe.” —Denise Linn. For what you are reviewing this Mercury retrograde, I pulled the 6 of Swords. It’s possible you will spend some time reviewing how you overcame some difficult challenges, even escaped emotionally or mentally dangerous states. These have been some of the hardest times any of us have lived through, so it’s important to take some time to process all of the challenges you overcame, all of the ways that you sailed through dangerous waters. For what you are learning through this retrograde period, I pulled the Page of Wands. Pages are all about learning, and often tapping into our inner childlike curiosity. This retrograde season you are learning to get back in touch with your creative spark, your spirituality, your ability to be a trustworthy and dependable person. BONUS CARD: “Diligence” comes with the message that while there are times when it’s necessary to take risks and leaps, now is the time to step cautiously and plan things out. Take your time, and put in the work necessary with each step. “This is not the time for instant gratification. Your diligence will pay off in the future, tenfold. This is the time for deliberate organization. Clean house. Clean clutter out of your life. Be thoughtful about how you spend your time, and be discerning when choosing with whom you spend it…”—Denise Linn. With Mars in Taurus until March 3, it makes sense to take measured steps now, and proceed slowly and steadily towards your goals.

Taurus & Taurus Rising (Apr 20-May 20): This full moon in Leo lands in your 4th house of home environment, family life, and roots. This is a great time for looking over your living space, and figuring out how to make it more comfortable and a reflection of what you love. You can find yourself wanting to declutter, tackle family issues, and possibly even think about moving to a new home. This moon can also have you diving into your roots, wondering about your ancestry, and is a great time to connect with that part of yourself. Any family conflicts have a light shed upon them now, and resolution is possible. This Mercury retrograde travels through your 10th house of public life, career issues, and how you cope with authority. This is a time to review how things are going with your career (if you don’t have a “career,” the work you do in the world, even if that is just taking care of your health as a spoonie), are you headed in the direction you want to go? What needs to change, and what has changed over the past year? What have you learned from your work this past year? These are questions that can come up during a retrograde in this house. You might also think about your dealings with the public—your reputation, and how you are building it, how you allow yourself to be seen in the world. Your full moon card is “Fulfillment,” which shows the image of a peach tree, symbolizing fertility, fulfillment, happiness, and hope (the peach tree blooms early, so is associated with the beginning of Spring and hope). This is a time to turn your attention to all of the goodness in your life, and to find pleasure in life’s daily moments. “You no longer need to put the needs of others ahead of your own needs. If you’ve had any health issues, a ripe peach represents a return to better health. Savor your life with gusto and grace. Experience and embrace life in all its permutations…”—Denise Linn. For what you are reviewing this Mercury retrograde, I pulled the 6 of Cups reversed. Throughout February (especially the earlier part of Feb) you might find yourself reviewing the harder parts of the year—family feuds, disharmonious or turbulent times, or just how topsy turvy the past year was in general. The key here is not to get stuck in the past—the 6 of Cups upright is a card of harmony and joyful nostalgia, but reversed sometimes we can get stuck on the less joyful memories. Honor the lessons you learned from the past, feel the feelings that need to come out, and let them pass. For what you are learning this retrograde, I pulled the Strength card—you are learning that you have what it takes to not only get through something, but come out victorious and stronger than ever. This card often shows up when there is still work to be done, you are still in the middle of a challenging situation in some ways, but you have the fortitude to come out on top. Part of the gift of this Mercury retrograde through your 10th house is that you are learning just how strong you really are, and that you deserve attention and recognition. Once you realize you deserve it, it becomes easier to ask for it and to let yourself shine in the spotlight once in a while. BONUS CARD: “Flow” comes into your reading to let you know that now is not the time to cling to solid ground, it’s time to jump in. “Notice where life is going and move in that direction. Watch for signs and follow them. Don’t resist…This is also the time to release old, limiting patterns, forgive, and let go of the need to be right about your beliefs…”—Denise Linn. We are living through a time where everything is changing around us so quickly, and while it’s nice to feel steady on solid ground, sometimes we need to jump in and go with the bustling flow. As the Strength card came in to remind you, you are strong enough and have what it takes to do it!

Gemini & Gemini Rising (May 21-Jun 20): This full moon in Leo travels through your 3rd house of all forms of communication, thought processes, short trips, writing, and siblings. As someone with strong gemini placements, in many ways this is YOUR house—communication is your jam, and thinking is your bread and butter. This moon can have your brain super activated, even have your mind racing a bit. Take some time this week to ground yourself (through meditation, even a nice, long shower, spending time in nature, or just getting your feet on the earth) to keep all the mental energy from exhausting you or running you in circles. This is a time to let go of any unhealthy communication and thought patterns that you notice—while these patterns can take time to unlearn, this is a great time to start to try. This Mercury retrograde travels through your 9th house of philosophy, spirituality, and higher learning. This can bring a review of your personal philosophy on life—do you still feel in alignment with your life philosophy and spiritual beliefs? What has changed for you? Mercury retrograde in the 9th house can also have you reviewing your education, and thinking about perhaps continuing on a higher learning path—if you are already in school, you could be thinking about changing paths of study. As we move through this review energy, this is a brilliant time to get in touch with your spiritual or philosophical side, and read up on new things you are interested (or revisit a subject that fascinates you). Your full moon card is “Opportunity,” which comes with the message that opportunities and gifts are ready to come to you. “There may be times when the goodness of life feels like it is ebbing and flowing, rather than being a steady stream of fulfillment. This is similar to the moon peeking through the pine trees for a moment or two. But as you stay open and receptive, physical and emotional gifts will come into your life…”—Denise Linn. Full moons are a powerful time to let go, so think about any limiting beliefs or patterns that might be holding you back (especially when it comes to thought patterns and communication patterns, as your 3rd house is lit up) that you would like to release. Some times it helps to write down what you want to release and burn it, especially if you have trouble letting go. For what you are reviewing with this Mercury retrograde, I pulled the Magician reversed. You might find yourself in review mode of all the ways in which you felt stifled or unable to do what you wanted this past year. So many of us experienced this Magician reversed energy over the past year—plans were halted or altogether abandoned, and there were and are many ways that things have slowed down and changed. While this is a review of a frustrating time, it’s also a review of all the ways that you learned to create what you wanted in new ways because you had to. As you are looking back, notice all that you got through and managed to do, even with trying circumstances and limited tools. For what you are learning from this retrograde period, I pulled the High Priestess. You are learning to trust yourself, your inner knowing, your intuition. You are learning to look within for the answers you seek, and trust the information you find there. It’s even possible that with all you have learned in the past year or so, you are ready to share this knowledge with others in some form of teaching. Your mind has always been sharp, Gemini, and now you are learning to strengthen and truly trust your intuition and inner knowledge. BONUS CARD: “Delight,” this card comes with the joyful message that delight is coming into your life. If it’s been a rough few months, this card indicates a relief from that—a time when you can connect with loved ones and experience intense joy. “This isn’t the time to be serious or buckle down and get to work. This is the time to be spontaneous and madcap. Do not make hard-and-fast commitments….Give yourself permission to have fun…lots of fun, especially in community with others.”—Denise Linn. This time of social distancing can be difficult for the social side of Gemini, so find some ways to connect with your people in a fun way—throw a zoom party, video chat with your besties, play games online with people you enjoy. Find ways to have fun and feed your social needs.

Cancer & Cancer Rising (Jun 21-Jul 22): This full moon in Leo lights up your 2nd house of what you have to work with materially, finances, possessions, physical resources, and what you desire and value. This house also deals with our sense of security, especially our physical sense of security—what insecurities have been coming up for you relating to your material situation? Are there ways in which what you truly desire and place value on are changing? Time to let go of the things that you no longer find valuable, to make room for things that you actually want. This is a good time to think on what you truly desire, as you make room for those things/feelings/situations to come in. This Mercury retrograde moves through your 8th house of death & rebirth, transformation, sexuality, and lessons you need in order to grow. This house follows the 7th house of relationships, so is also about what comes of your relationships, what you learn from them and how they help you change by gaining new understanding. So, in part this retrograde has you reviewing all of the ways in which you’ve changed and transformed the past year. What parts of you died, what new growth is happening now? How have our relationships changed our understanding, changed us? What do we still need to let go of, and what ways are we still transforming? These are all good questions to ponder as you are in this energy of review. Your full moon card is “Standstill,” which comes up when it feels like parts of your life are slowing down to a crawl, something isn’t changing and moving forward. “Even if it seems that things are flowing, look beneath the surface; perhaps something is immovable. The first step to becoming unstuck is to acknowledge where you are. The soul loves the truth…Notice what isn’t working in your life, and then take slow, steady steps to unblock the barriers. In nature, when one is being sucked into mud, the worst thing to do is struggle. The best thing to do is slowly and carefully, one step at a time, extricate yourself.” When you take a deeper scan of your life, is there something that feels stuck, like it’s just not progressing? Identifying where we are stuck, and even just acknowledging that we ARE in some way stuck, is an important first step to getting unstuck. For what you are reviewing with this Mercury retrograde, I pulled the 9 of Swords—so some of this review period is going over the rough times—the times when you felt hopeless, anxious, burdened by intrusive or harmful thoughts. This is the card of nightmares, our thoughts and anxieties keeping us up at night, and so many of us have experienced this energy at least somewhat over the past year. It’s important to review these moments, as often these lowest moments are where our growth and transformation begin. It’s equally important not to dwell on the bad memories, but rather to shift your focus to how those harsh moments changed you, and all that you learned from getting through them. For what you are learning this retrograde period I pulled the Page of Cups. Pages come in with a youthful energy of bringing in new information and learning. In this reading, I see this as an indication that you are learning about your relationships, and gaining a deeper understanding of your emotional self through this 8th house review. This is also just a nice card to come up in your reading, as the messages that come through are beneficial and lead you that much closer to emotional balance and harmony. BONUS CARD: “Voyage” comes with the message that you are about to start a journey of some kind. This could be a spiritual or emotional journey, a physical journey to far off places, or a new project you are about to breathe life into. “…most certainly you are an intrepid traveler, sallying forth into the unknown. Where do you want to go? What have you always wanted to do or be? This is the time to make it happen. Get prepared. Have a clear vision of what you want to experience, but also be prepared for the unexpected…That is part of the exhilaration of being a traveler. Remember to enjoy the journey as much as reaching the destination.”—Denise Linn. Dear Cancer, this has been a hell of a year, and you have been through it emotionally and otherwise. You are coming out of this on the precipice of a great new journey. Get excited, and start dreaming!

Leo & Leo Rising (Jul 23-Aug 22): Hello Lions! This full moon in your sign lights up your first house of self, your outer personality, self-esteem, and beginnings. Sometimes full moons in this house can have you wanting to make some changes for yourself, your appearance, and how you feel about yourself and how others see you. It’s a great time to think about how you begin things, how you deal with new beginnings, and begin to let go of any ways in which you might get in the way of yourself. This Mercury retrograde in Aquarius moves through your 7th house of partnerships of all kinds, relationships, and how you fit into the world of others. Throughout February you could very well find yourself reviewing all of the significant relationships and partnerships in your life. Are there unhealthy patterns that need to be addressed, do you feel comfortable asking for the attention you need from your relationships, and are there relationships that need to be let go of because they are not working or holding you back from progressing? This can be an emotional review period, and part of what will help is to tap into the essence of what Leos are learning: how do you feel about what you deserve in relationships? Do you feel worthy of love and partnership, of the attention we all need and crave? Cheat sheet: YOU DO deserve love, attention, and healthy partnerships! Tap into that, sink into knowing that you are worthy. Your full moon card is “Transformation,” which combined with the full moon in your 1st house comes with the message that now is the time for reinvention and rebirth. “Don’t resist change. The blue color suggest a spiritual renewal or initiation. Transformation doesn’t mean becoming something completely different…or doing something completely different. Change is often uncomfortable, but it is usually for the highest good…”—Denise Linn. This is a beautiful moon for shedding some skin, for letting some of the changes you’ve been craving to spark. For what you are reviewing with this Mercury retrograde, I pulled the 2 of Cups reversed. It’s possible that many of you will be reviewing relationships that went wrong or broke up, or periods of heartache or difficulty in relationships. While this kind of review can be painful, its gift is that we can see more clearly what we learned from these painful moments and relationship hurdles. In what ways did the challenges you faced in relationships lead to growth and change for the better? For what you are learning this retrograde period, I pulled the 4 of Pentacles—you are learning that you’ve actually done a good job of building solid foundations and resources. You don’t need to hold to tightly to all that you’ve built for fear of losing it—things are stabler than you might feel emotionally, and it’s okay to loosen your reins a bit and let go. Sometimes it feels as though if we loosen our grip on all that we’ve secured it will all slip away, but these coming weeks you are learning that things are not as flimsy as all that. You have built a solid and lasting foundation, and it’s okay to let go more and feel secure in what you’ve built. BONUS CARD: “Freedom” comes into your reading with the message that it’s okay to let loose and express your true self. “Make choices that increase your freedom. Don’t be tied down. Laugh, dance, explore, and go beyond predictable behavior. Be daring. Cast aside restrictions. Find your wings; as you do, you’ll help others find theirs. You are not here to be ordinary or live a mundane life; you are here to step beyond limitations and self-imposed boundaries. Do not be trapped by convention or the need to please others…Don’t accept rules that don’t feel right. You can be immensely free, and yet still be part of a loving, supportive community.” Do not let the fear of losing people or things hold you back from being free to be your true self. You have done a beautiful job of creating a solid situation in work, home life, and relationships—don’t be afraid to set yourself free and see what lovely places that leads you.

Virgo & Virgo Rising (Aug 23-Sep 22): This full moon in Leo travels through your 12th house of the unconscious, things below the surface and beyond the physical plane, self-undoing, and karma. Things that have been hidden bubble up to the surface now, and this is a moon where you do some deep diving. Ways in which you might sabotage yourself can come up with this moon, as well as things that have been hidden from your conscious being. Be sure to take time in the coming days to come up for air and lightheartedness. This Mercury retrograde in Aquarius moves through your 6th house of daily routines, sickness & health, and daily work. As you review your day-to-day, think about what parts of your routine are extraneous or can be let go of to make more room for what you really want to be doing. Have you been taking care of your health and physical/mental/emotional well-being? This review period can bring up health issues that need to be dealt with, or perhaps habits that need to change to lead you to better health. Parts of your daily life that don’t feel like they are working for you anymore will come into the light, and you can begin to think about how you want to reorganize your routine to fit the path you want to be on. Your full moon card is “Purification,” which comes with the message that now is a good time for a deep cleanse—not just of your physical surroundings, but of your mind, body and soul. “This is a great time for a detox, clutter clearing, cleansing, and space clearing. Release outdated energy to invite fresh, clear energy into your life…Don’t take things personally. Release resentment, guilt, and blame. Purify yourself—thought, word, and deed…If you don’t love it or use it, let it go…”—Denise Linn. You can apply this to both the full moon moving through your 12th house, and Mercury retrograde review of your 6th house—let things come to the surface, let the full moon light shine on it, and let go of what isn’t serving your higher path. For what you are reviewing this mercury retrograde in Aquarius, I pulled the 9 of Wands. You are reviewing how far you have come, how over the past year you have put yourself in a good position where you cannot be knocked down. You are nearing completion of a cycle, but there is still a little ways to go—though you might be getting weary, know that you have the determination and drive to get there. Take a look back at how far you have come, and all that it took to get here, and let all of your progress bolster you for these last few steps. With Aries season coming up in March, that new beginning and new astrological year are around the corner. For what you are learning this retrograde period, I pulled the Ace of Swords. This retrograde pulls you out of the fog, into clarity of thought, inspiration, and a new beginning. Though some of what comes up with the moon’s light shining on your house of the subconscious could be difficult, ultimately what comes up brings clarity and freedom. BONUS CARD: “Embracing” comes with the message that while all of the emotions that come up this full moon could be intense, and even uncomfortable, but these emotions carry valuable information and insight with them. “Sometimes life overflows with emotions…However, the ensuing result of this discomfort can be of great value, perhaps arising from an unseen or unknown source. You get this card when emotions are seemingly overflowing…or not flowing at all. Cherish the overflow of emotions, and embrace the times that seem murky, for your inner floodplains are being replenished, and as a result, there will be great spiritual and physical expansion.” —Denise Linn. It’s often much easier for you to bury yourself in work and the details than it is to fully embrace all of the emotions that can flood over sometimes—and you are a deeply emotional being, Virgo. Take time this full moon to just be with your emotions, without distracting yourself with work or chores or lists. See what comes up and what gifts they bring. 

Libra & Libra Rising (Sep 23-Oct 22): This full moon in Leo lights up your 11th house of goals and objectives, friendships and memberships in groups, and your visions for the future. As the moon shines on this house, think about your goals and where you want to be heading—are your goals still valid for who you are today? Are your visions for the future still what you truly want? How are you feeling in your friend groups, and what is the state of your sense of belonging? These are questions to ponder as the moon moves through the 11th house, and they should illuminate what goals and groups are ready to be let go of, while you make room for new objectives that are more in alignment with your current path. This Mercury retrograde in Aquarius moves through your 5th house of creativity, self-expression, romance, and affection. You find yourself in February reviewing the ways in which you nurture your creativity, how you hold yourself back from true self-expression, and what you truly want when it comes to receiving affection and romantic love. How have you managed to have fun the past year? Do you need to bring more creative energy into your life? What do you want to release into the world, what do you want to breathe life into? Your full moon card is “Love,” bringing the message that love surrounds you and is coming into your life. What you learn during this retrograde review will help you see how you deserve love and affection, and what kind of love and affection you actually want in your life. “All is well, no matter what is happening around you. You know that you are loved and you are lovable. You know that there is nothing that you need to do to deserve love. You are enough, just as you are…In matters of the heart and romance, all is healing or is already healed. In terms of self-love, your confidence and self-esteem are growing as you take time to cherish and care for yourself.”—Denise Linn. For what you are reviewing this Mercury retrograde period, I pulled the 3 of Swords. There is heartache and emotional and mental pain that still needs to be processed now. As you review whatever painful situation this was, remember that not only did you survive it, you have come out of it learning more about yourself and what you are worth (and what you will no longer put up with). For what you are learning this retrograde, I pulled the 8 of Cups—you are learning to walk away from what is holding you back or causing you pain, and towards freedom and emotional clarity. There is an element of sadness or slight emotional pain here; endings are often not easy, but this one leaves you feeling liberated and free to move forward from what what was impeding your progress. BONUS CARD: “Release” comes into your reading when it’s time to let go—let go of anything, people, or situations that you know are not benefiting you in any way. “Let go of old, outmoded, self-limiting beliefs that drag you down. This is a time of stripping away superficial distractions until you reach who you are at your core. If you are holding on to the old, it is difficult for anything new to come into your life.”—Denise Linn. Apply this message to your life goals and objectives, too, as full moons are so wonderful for letting go—and with your 11th house illuminated, it makes sense to see what needs to be released to make room for all of the new goals and creativity ready to come in.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising (Oct 23-Nov 21): This full moon in Leo travels through your 10th house of public life, career issues, and how you cope with authority. A light is shining on how you interact with the public, your reputation, and what’s going on with your career (as always, “career” can be interpreted loosely—the work you do in the world, even just the work you do to survive and manage your health issues if you live with chronic illness or pain counts). How do you feel in the work you are doing, with how your public life is going? Often it can be hard to allow ourselves to be seen, especially by the larger public, but we are all part of society and interact with it on some level. This mercury retrograde in Aquarius moves through your 4th house of home environment, family life, and roots. Throughout February you could find yourself reviewing how you are feeling in your home, how it could suit you better with some changes. Family issues that came up this past year are up for review as well, and there is an opportunity to learn from these issues in a constructive way. Your full moon card is “Change,” letting you know that it’s okay to change direction or your mind. “You do not need to be consistent. This is the time to put the needs and expectations of others aside and listen to the beat of your own drum. You don’t need to follow tradition. Create your own traditions. You are free to express yourself and let your spirit fly…Just because something has always been done a certain way doesn’t mean that it needs to continue to be done that way. You can’t control the exact circumstances of your life, but you can control what meaning you give to them. Select meanings that empower you, for this is the time to be carefree, wild, and unpredictable.”—Denise Linn. For what you are reviewing with this mercury retrograde, I pulled the 5 of Swords reversed. This February could find you reviewing some difficult interactions, even fights or conflicts that seemed to drag on for quite some time this past year. While you managed to get through it, this card has the feeling of a rather hollow victory, and this review period could bring closure for you as you examine what all went down. For what you are learning through this retrograde period, I pulled the Knight of Wands. You are learning how to take swift action when necessary, how to make decisions more quickly when you don’t have time to weigh out every angle of the situation, and how to spark and create change. As you review a difficult year, you begin to realize that you have learned a lot about how to react quickly in troubling times, and this will serve you well moving forward. BONUS CARD: “Openness” is a card that asks us to remain open—open to messages, new information, open to listening. “Incubate your dreams for the future. If you are trying to make a decision, take the time to watch for signs and listen to the whispers of the Universe. Watch your dreams for messages regarding the situation…Observe life as it unfolds, rather than becoming engaged in it. Be open to what the Universe has in store for you. Be receptive to messages from your soul…”—Denise Linn. Often planetary retrogrades are a good time to be still, slow down, and reflect. Sometimes the review is emotionally intense or difficult, but remaining open to what those emotions have to teach us, to the messages that come through them, bring great rewards and growth. 

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising (Nov 22-Dec 21): This full moon lights up your 9th house of philosophy, spirituality, and higher learning. This is a great moon to carve out some time to reflect on your life philosophy and spiritual beliefs, to ponder what new subjects you might want to explore, or even revisit old subjects that captured your interest and imagination. Sometimes we find that we have gone through so much, changed and grown so much, that our outlook on life and our beliefs are no longer in alignment with who we have become. This can be a good time to think about that—do you still believe what you once held close? As a Sagittarius you are always learning and wanting to expand your mind, so this can be a lovely moon for you. What new areas of study are you interested in? What spiritual practices or beliefs are you drawn to? It’s a great time to read up on these things and explore new ideas and philosophies. This Mercury retrograde in Aquarius moves through your 3rd house of communication, thought processes, writing, siblings, and short trips. You find yourself in review of how you communicate your thoughts to others and the outside world, as well as your thought patterns and mental state over the past year. What ways has your communication felt stifled, and are there thought patterns you fall into that are unhealthy? What can be let go of, and what has served you well? Your full moon card is “Wisdom,” asking you to dig deeper because things on the surface are not necessarily as they seem. “…you might feel that you aren’t making progress on a particular project, yet beneath the surface, things are happening. Or you might be going through a stormy cycle. This card is letting you know that even though the surface of your life might be a bit rocky or wobbly, in a deeper place all is well and serenity and peace are emerging. Things that may seem challenging will later be revealed to have been beneficial.”—Denise Linn. With the full moon illuminating your 9th house of spirituality and philosophy, you could very well be diving below the surface to investigate more deeply your true beliefs. Sometimes this can make waves on the surface when we challenge or reevaluate our beliefs, but below the surface, at the core of things, peace can be found and tapped into. For what you are reviewing this Mercury retrograde, I pulled the Devil. You are reviewing the ways you’ve felt restricted in the past year, especially in the area of communication and freedom to explore your world (being unable to travel even for short trips can feel especially stifling for many Sagittarians). The message that comes with the Devil is that you are capable of breaking free of any chains you feel tying you down—you have always held the key to your own freedom. While there are still many physical restrictions in place globally, you have many ways to communicate and exchange ideas, and you can find new ways to explore and expand your horizons. For what you are learning with this retrograde period, I pulled the Ace of Cups. After this period of review and slowing down a bit to process the past year, you open yourself up to an emotional new beginning. Some of you will even have the opportunity for new love and romance, a new relationship, even a soulmate energy. You are entering a really lovely new cycle, Sagittarius, one where emotional fulfillment is a reality you can cultivate. BONUS CARD: “Miracles” comes into your reading after a tumultuous year full of challenges unlike what most of us have ever faced before. “The storms of the past are passing, and your dreams are coming true! No matter what has happened in the past, your future holds abounding miracles…Blessings are flowing in all directions. Believe that you deserve the best…because you do. Bounty, joy, blessings, and miracles are flowing your way.” Like a double rainbow after a storm, an element of awe and beauty is finding its way into your life now!

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising (Dec 22-Jan 19): This full moon travels through your 8th house of transformation, death & rebirth, sexuality, and how our relationships help us learn and change. While it might not be some huge metamorphosis, this moon brings change of some kind. As your 8th house is illuminated, you see things that need to be let go to make room for new growth and progress. Are there relationships, situations, or parts of your own self and behaviors that you need to let die so that you can move forward on your path? This Mercury retrograde in Aquarius moves through your 2nd house of physical resources, finances, security, and what you desire and place value on. This brings in a review of your material life, how the physical things you have in your life make you feel secure, what makes you feel insecure or unsafe, and what you truly want and find valuable in life. Check in with your value system—is it still valid and true to who you are now? Your full moon card is “Success,” which comes with the message that through all of this transformation and growth, you are coming into a period of fulfillment and satisfaction. “Success is waiting to expand in your life. Be ready to accept and embrace this success, for it might occur rapidly. All is possible…Your satisfaction will come in many forms and from many areas of life. Celebrate it all and breathe it all in, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant…”—Denise Linn. This is a lovely card—it has not been an easy one, this past year, and while there is a lot to still process, you come out of this with a fresh, and lively energy, ready to take on new ventures and step into a new way of being. For what you are reviewing with this mercury retrograde, I pulled the Page of Swords reversed. As a person, this page is not very nice—they can be conniving, untrustworthy, someone who will flatter you or try to make you feel good with an ulterior motive. It could be that in the past year you had to deal with situations or people that were not being truthful, or you were unable to trust. This is definitely a time where you could be reviewing trust issues that have come up in the past 12 months, as well as ways in which you could stand more firmly in your truth. What is the point of this review? For what you are learning this retrograde period, I pulled the King of Pentacles—you are really learning to master your craft or business, your health, and your home life. This king is patient and fair, generous, grounded, loyal, and a dependable leader. You are stepping more fully into your ability to lead and delegate, how to better manage your health and well-being, and how to make your home the haven you want it to be. I see this is a card of mastery of your craft or work, so I feel you are really advancing after this period of slowing down and reviewing. BONUS CARD: “Adventures” comes into your reading with the message that something new is coming, and it’s going to add some spice to your life. “Something exciting is around the corner. You are entering a new frontier filled with expansive energy. Begin to look at your world in new and different ways. Something that you thought was mundane, or someone whom you may have overlooked, will open the door to new opportunities and a bigger and bolder way of living. Be willing to see the world around you in new ways.” I’m excited for you, Capricorn! Between this message and that King of Pentacles, it seems you are really heading into exciting new times that offer beautiful growth and opportunities!

Thanks for joining me for another cycle, lovebugs! Remember that these messages do not tell your future, rather the possibilities and the energy supporting you right now. Sending love and gratitude out to each of you, for your support means the world to this smalltime mystic!

Love and Solidarity,

Leah R. Chatterjee

7 thoughts on “Airy February: Tarotscopes for the Full Moon in Leo, Mercury Rx in Aquarius”

  1. Is it possible to feel the influence of this Leo full moon, rn? because I’ve been throwing myself into the limelight lately without even realizing it 😂😂 And does having an Aries in all my sun, moon and rising means that the reading should really resonate with me? because it always did 😂😂😂 That’s why I love reading/watching a tarot card reading for Aries, it always resona

  2. Is it possible to feel the influence of this Leo full moon, rn? because I’ve been throwing myself into the limelight lately without even realizing it 😂😂 And does having an Aries in all my sun, moon and rising means that the reading should 💯 resonate with me? because it really did 😂😂😂 Sorry for throwing a bunch of questions 😅😁😁 THANK UU FOR YOUR EFFORTS🌼💛 I REALLY LOVE YOUR ENERGY💛💛💛

  3. I read the pisces reading and health has been def a theme. I’ve had and will have doctor visits this month. My own parts within are coming up and I know I’ve been working on my relationship with myself. Such an affirming confirmation. I have learning to rest and I think sickness was def a way for me to be forced into it.

  4. Hey soulsistah love your way with words thank you for again blessing me with confirmation and some guidance


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