Gemini Full Moon: Release & Integrate

***Full Moon occurs November 22, 2018 at 9:39pm (PST) at 0º51’ Gemini***

The full moon in Gemini brings out our need for change and integration. As we are still in the middle of Mercury retrograde, I think this full moon is a great time for thinking about what hasn’t been working that we can release, so that when we are out of the shadows of Venus and Mercury retrograde we are ready for a fresh start in time for winter solstice. I think we’ll start to really feel the itch for that change this full moon, so it’s a good time to really reflect on what needs to be let go so that change can happen. 

Speaking of change, I just returned from an intense trip to Portland. I went to see a new rheumatologist, and ended up with a completely new diagnosis. I’m still awaiting more test results, but I have a LOT to process and reflect on (and a LOT of confusion and anger to release) this moon. Though all is quite hopeful, I am pretty low on spoons, and had planned to just come back for a full winter solstice blog and reading. This full moon feels powerful, though, so I wanted to do a shorter post with some quotes from other astrologers, and I will pull a card for each sign with just a lil message for spoonies this moon. I hope you enjoy, and will return for a nice full winter solstice post!

Quotes from the Pros

♥Click on the names to see their websites♥

From Beatrex Quntanna:

“As we move into the Full Moon in Gemini a question to ask yourself is, “How Grey is my Black and White World?” It is time to remember that you are light and dark. The “I” within me is both. How often we forget this axiom.

When the moon lives in Gemini it becomes you to integrate both sides of yourself. Take the polarity test and see what you have eliminated based on judgment rather than acceptance. Time to remember that you are black and white-masculine and feminine-day and night-odd and even-rough and smooth- and the beat goes on and on and on….. Question to ask yours, “Do I judge life or do I live life?” —Beatrex Quntanna

From April Elliott Kent:

“The Scorpio season, with the Sun and retrograde Venus tracing the contours of loss, was an exceptionally painful one. The Full Moon and Sun on this day form a square aspect Mars in Pisces; the wounds are still raw, and holidays make them ache even more. But as the Sun prepares to conjoin Jupiter in its own sign of Sagittarius—for the first time since December 1995!*—a candle has at last been lit, and is generating faint but growing warmth. It’s the day of Thanksgiving; prepare a meal and eat together, and remember the old times. Set a place for the departed, and be thankful for what you have left.”—April Elliott Kent

“TRANSITING MOON IN GEMINI:When the Moon is Gemini, your attention easily wanders—not because you don’t care about others, but because you’re listening to so many stories at once. From songbirds to the whisper of wind in the trees, in your email inbox and on social media, the whole world seems to be talking to you today. Like a restless bird or butterfly, you crave motion; your mind needs stimulation and variety. What to get done today: Gather information. Gossip shamelessly. Deviate from your usual routines and habits. Socialize. Catch up on email and phone calls. What people want today: variety, conversation, new ideas, information, bright colors, distractions” —from her book Astrological Transits by April Elliott Kent

From Leah Whitehorse:

“Mars in Pisces creates squares to the Moon-Sun opposition and is still square to Jupiter. This gives us a T-square pattern, and everything is falling on our inner warrior’s shoulders. The problem is that Mars in Pisces doesn’t really want to do anything but float, drink wine and sleep. Our inner warrior is resting, happily drunk as a skunk (bear in mind the square the extravagant Jupiter!) and some part of us just wants to run away or escape. Given that Mercury is also square to Mars, we could find ourselves split, with one half arguing with the other about what to do or where to go…

Let go of any idea that you need to act quickly to take advantage of what seems to be on offer now. It’s possible that great opportunities could come with some hidden clauses. You don’t need to push to get the result you need. The tide will turn of its own accord.” —Leah Whitehorse

From Tanishka, The Moon Woman:

“…regardless of our own chart, we can be ‘in our heads’ & not in our body which can lead to doing things quickly rather than thoroughly & taking on too much.

So if you’ve been running around like a goose the past two weeks, look for what you can put off to when you have more time to attend to it. This will help you to avoid making errors in haste & being scattered energetically.

Also do one or more of the following simple ways to ground your energy include:

– eat regular protein & root veggies

– get to bed before 10pm to ensure deep sleep

– walk around barefoot or lie on the Earth

– do anything physical such as sports, dance, baking, craft, self pleasuring or lovemaking

– gardening

– clean your toilet

– have a massage or swap a foot massage

– do the Tree meditation to send your energetic roots down.”—Tanishka

From Tanaaz of Forever Conscious:

“The Gemini Full Moon on November 23-24th is going to help shed light and bring clarity to a situation that may have been in the dark for some time.

This newfound clarity is going to open our minds and expand the possibilities around us. Where we have only seen closed doors and brick walls, we are going to see windows of opportunity.” —Tanaaz

Tanaaz’s Full Moon in Gemini Ritual

Mimi Clark talks about sun inconjunct Uranus: YouTube Gaia Blooming

Full Moon in Gemini Mini Tarotscopes

by Leah Chatterjee

♥Please read the card for your rising sign too♥

574F8234-AE09-4A13-8DD4-DC8EDCC08B68Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21): I pulled the 2 of Cups for your full moon in Gemini. As you reflect on what is no longer working, and what to let go of this moon, you might also have an “aha!” moment. The 2 of Cups is about recognizing love, and perhaps with all you’re releasing with this cycle you are making room for new love, new partnerships, perhaps even romance. This is a good moon for trying to releasing negative thought patterns that you can spiral into when you’re dealing with chronic pain, and shift focus to where all the love in your life is.

3BE593A7-7819-4F10-9D21-667E967BC4F5Capricorn & Capricorn Rising (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19): I pulled the Wheel of Fortune for you Capricorn spoonies. This full moon could mark the beginning of a new cycle for you. The Wheel of Fortune often is associated with positive change, things are getting better. I think the key with this card is to be sure not to resist this change—be open to adapting, and things could start to shift for the better.

B76DF622-D800-4898-9331-5A77543237A4Aquarius & Aquarius Rising (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18): I pulled the 7 of Pentacles for Aquarians on this full moon. Where do things need to come into balance? This full moon isn’t just about letting go, it’s also about integrating things that are seemingly opposing. The 7 of coins is a reminder not to give up, to keep going with what you’re working on, and to take this time to strengthen your resolve. If your patience is running out, this is a message not to give up.

605ACE49-ABD0-4DA6-81BD-FB0C147C2C7DPisces & Pisces Rising (Feb. 19 – Mar. 20): I pulled the Star for you Pisces fishies this full moon. If you’ve been going through a particularly rough time, the Star is a message that hope is on the horizon. This is the card of healing of old wounds, a reminder that the future looks bright. Spend this full moon not just reflecting on what you’ve been through, and releasing some of the hurt and frustration, but trying to keep in mind that there are better times coming.

ACF4B916-8186-469A-BEB0-DF5994BD18B9Aries & Aries Rising (Mar. 21 – Apr. 19): Dear Aries, I first want to say: Do not let this card scare you. This card is rarely about physical death, and in this reading it is about the end of a cycle, and a powerful rebirth for you Aries spoonies. This full moon sparks the beginning of major change and transformation for you. This past Venus retrograde wasn’t easy, and some of the review has been painful. The Death card’s message here is to let go of the past, accept the present (easier said than done, but trying is the main thing), know that things are changing in a big way, and you’re going to come out of it stronger than before. I know with chronic illness and pain that can sound like bullshit, but be open to the possibility of a new beginning, even if it’s just a spiritual or emotional fresh start.

E83635C0-637B-42CF-99EA-7C1ADDB341FATaurus & Taurus Rising (Apr. 20 – May 20): This full moon I pulled the Lovers for Tauruses. Part of the message here is to give your intellect a bit of a break tonight, and let your intuition take over. I see this as a positive card for spoonies—while it can be about choices or decisions that need to be made, it’s also about things coming into balance and harmony. I also think it bodes well for new doctors, so if you’re seeing someone new soon, be open to that being a health partnership that could be really helpful. This full moon an emotional release will help make room for anything new coming into your life.

B12C3671-B6B0-4608-876B-57253241D032Gemini & Gemini Rising (May 21 – Jun. 20): I pulled the High Priestess for Geminis this full moon. If things have been confusing or shrouded in mystery (especially concerning your health, but in any area of life), this full moon could be the beginning of shedding light on some answers. The High Priestess also asks you to look within, and follow your intuition. While things might not be immediately obvious, with some patience this moon is the beginning of some clarity coming to you.

99FB7626-A238-42E7-9417-1CDC266C5570Cancer & Cancer Rising (Jun. 21 – Jul. 22): I pulled Strength for Cancers on this full moon. We crabs feel things so deeply, are so sensitive, it’s easy to forget what badasses we really are. This full moon, release doubts about whether you can get through this storm—the Strength card shows up to remind us that we have what it takes to overcome. Living with chronic pain or illness means it’s never going to be a cake walk, but this full moon try to tap into your inner lion. This card is letting you know you have a lot of resolve left in you, and you can get through this. And remember, things are going to feel lighter towards the end of December.

3C7B0CE1-6789-484B-A39D-23AB1BC9AC6FLeo & Leo Rising (Jul. 23 – Aug. 22): This full moon in Gemini sparks a new beginning for you. I pulled the Ace of Wands for Leos, and this card is all about being filled with a fresh, vibrant energy. As you release any hurt or hardship you’ve been facing over the past month, feel the spark of something new coming in. The Ace of Wands brings an infusion of creative and spiritual energy, which is welcome after such an intense Venus retrograde. If you’ve been low on energy this past cycle, I’m hoping many of you will get a boost after this full moon.

33B9007D-8A89-4FFC-AE3D-714BEB3D4095Virgo & Virgo Rising (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22): I pulled the Knight of Pentacles for Virgos this full moon. While knights are often about swift change, the Knight of Pentacle bears the message of a slower moving change—slow and steady. This is a full moon of reflecting on what needs to shift in your routines and habits surrounding your health, letting go of the parts of your routine that are just weighing you down, and finding a balance between your need for alone time and your need to connect with others. Changes are coming, just maybe not as quickly as you’d like them to. This quote from Thirteen’s The Tarot Reading Companion for this card: “It will seem like things are moving/changing at a crawl, and that those who should defend their positions and put up a fight are taking too long to do so.” (page 158). Try to remember that you are moving forward, even if the steps are taking a little longer.

5143A1C8-B2AB-4AD1-B07F-A46C1E09E7C9Libra & Libra Rising (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22): For this full moon in Gemini I pulled the 4 of Wands for you balance-loving Libras. This card usually comes up when you have put in a lot of work, and have completed a phase of something. The message is to give yourself a pat on the back for getting this far, but to also remember that there is still work ahead—a reminder to not become complacent. Perhaps with all of the reflection we’ve all been going through with Venus retrograde, and now Mercury retrograde, it’s a good time to release any of the hurt that came up. Celebrate what you’ve overcome to get here, let the full moon shine a light on that, and recalibrate as we still have a few more weeks of reviewing and digging deep to go.

C3B79F24-EDFA-4243-B37D-C0864CA23129Scorpio & Scorpio Rising (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21): I pulled the 10 of Pentacles for Scorpios—you have just come out of the sun shining on your sign, and wow have we all been swimming deep in Scorpio waters. This full moon bask in the glow of all the hard work you’ve been putting in—the 10 of Pentacles is a card that pops up when you are about to complete a cycle, and are experiencing an abundance of some sort before you start the new one. This moon is a good time to reflect on what you’ve been building up to the past few weeks, months, or even the past year. What is overflowing for you right now? With Mercury still retrograde, it’s a good moon for reviewing everything you’ve accomplished, and letting go of the things that didn’t work out. You’re at the end of this cycle, and starting fresh soon.

I hope you enjoyed these mini tarotscopes, and that you’ll check back in for a nice, longer winter solstice post, and a lil surprise for you spoonies!

Spoonie Solidarity & Love,

Leah Ruthe Chatterjee



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